Saying no to single-use plastics is easier than you think..

Paul from Fair Food Forager features in this quick little video on 5 simple steps to reduce single-use plastics... it's not as hard as you think and it actually becomes part of your daily routine. I find it hard not to pick up rubbish now, and my daily walk involves collecting the 7-11 slurpee cups, lids and straws (and delivering them back to the local 7-11.. I'm sure he loves me filling up his bin!)

It amazes me on a daily basis how many people continue to throw their rubbish on the ground.. and how many people look at you oddly when using reusable produce bags, saying no to plastic straws and picking up rubbish.. ok I might look a little weird carrying bags of rubbish along the street!

The planet will thank you if you make these 5 small changes... every little bit can help.

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